If you have been in business for any amount of time, then you know the feeling when a launch just isn’t working. The sales are crawling, you start doubting yourself, wondering if you created the right thing in the first place, if you built a big enough audience to sell anything at all.
All kinds of additional questions and insecurities follow when sales aren’t flowing: is that the offer that’s off? Your sales page invitation letter? The pricing? Is it you?
It’s so hard not to get a big morale dip in the middle of the sales dip during a launch. So this month’s bonus is on a few strategies that I’ve picked up over the years.
💬 What helps you “sweeten the pot” to get momentum when launching?
What helps you get over any morale dips or vulnerability hangovers along the way?
🔗 Resources Mentioned
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VIP Day with Jenny: via Free Time Operations Dashboard