It was great chatting the other day. I’ll miss the show but now I can catch up on the ones I missed. Enjoy your time. 😀

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Thank you so much Rebecca!! I’m so glad we could connect too, and thank you for taking a stroll through the archives even while new episodes are paused!

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Dear Jenny, I cherish every “gold star” I have earned over the years listening to your podcasts. Cal Newport has written some wonderful things about you in his new book Slow Productivity. Please take the time you need. We will be here.

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Thank you so much John!! I love that you referenced your collection of gold stars . . . "we've made it this far!" I didn't even realize I'd get that great shout-out in Cal's new book until you and a few other astute readers pointed it out — makes my month! As do your kind words — I hope all is well with you, and that you're seeing some signs of Spring where you are, as we are here in NYC!

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